EDITION 30 // 2017_2018

DEGUSSA: THE SIMPLEST WAY TO INVEST IN PRECIOUS METALS. Gold has been the strongest currency since 6000 years and is therefore considered a solid long- term investment. As the largest independent precious metal trader in Europe outside the banking system,Degussaisabletooffer­ you comprehensive advice in our Swiss branches in Zurich and Geneva. We help you compile your personal investment portfolio with a wide selection of Degussa- brandedgoldbars thatinclude­ asecuritynumber.Wealsooffer­ bullion coins as an alternative investment opportunity. In addition, we have collectible coins and high carat precious metal gifts. For safe storage,weofferstateoftheart­ safe deposit box facilities protect- ing your assets 24/7. Further infor- mation and online shop at: Z u r i c h I G e n e v a I F r a n k f u r t I M a d r i d I L o n d o n Showrooms: Bleicherweg 41 · 8002 Zurich Phone: 044 403 41 10 Quai du Mont-Blanc 5 · 1201 Geneva Phone: 022 908 14 00 DEGUSSA- GOLDHANDEL.CH